Code of Conduct

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Code of Conduct Mission Statement

The purpose of the North Warren Code of Conduct is to clearly articulate a shared understanding of the school district's behavioral expectations to students, parents/guardians, and staff in order to foster a safe and positive learning environment.

Restorative Practices

Restorative practices are a framework for building community and responding to challenging behavior through authentic dialogue leading to understanding and action to set things right and repair and restore damaged relationships.

To promote the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth of all students, the North Warren Regional School District provides a safe and secure learning environment. We promote respect for self and others through good conduct modeled by students, parents/guardians, and staff. When relationships break down, we repair them through restorative practices. By utilizing the restorative ractice approach, North Warren can apply administrative discretion to code of conduct violations when appropriate.

Disciplinary Procedures and Consequences

All consequences for disciplinary infractions are determined based on the nature of the infraction and administrative discretion.  The Restorative Practice approach will be utilized to determine the level of consequences and to resolve conflict.

Consequences may include:

  1. Teacher Intervention
  2. Loss of Bench and Courtyard Privileges
  3. Lunch Detention
  4. Detention
  5. 2.5 Hour Detention
  6. Saturday Detention
  7. In School Suspension
  8. Out of School Suspension
  9. Long Term Suspension/Expulsion


  1. Academic Honesty/Plagiarism
  2. Assault with a Weapon
  3. Cafeteria Behavior
  4. Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
  5. Class Cutting
  6. Dangerous Objects
  7. Dating Violence
  8. Display of Affection
  9. Disturbance and Disruption
  10. Drugs/Drug Paraphernalia/Alcohol – (“Use of on School Property” Under the Influence of; In possession of; Selling; Distribution) NWR POLICY 5530 State Law 18A:37-2j
  11. Violating Medication Policy
  12. Eating and Drinking
  13. Failure to Serve Detention
  14. False Alarms
  15. Game Cards/Gambling Paraphernalia
  16. Inappropriate Behavior/General Misconduct
  17. Loitering
  18. Misbehavior on School Trips, Proms, and Other School Sponsored Activities
  19. Misuse of Hall Pass
  20. Obscene or Profane Language/Actions/Contact
  21. Physical Assault Upon Another Student
  22. Selling of Products or Items
  23. Sexting
  24. Sexual Harassment
  25. Extortion
  26. Stealing  
  27. Threats to Board Employees/Cafeteria Staff
  28. Tobacco or Vape Product Possession/Use
  29. Vandalism/Arson
  30. Wrongful Entry