Random Breathalyzer Testing

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In keeping with its commitment to protect all students and the school community from the harm of alcohol use, the Board of Education authorizes the use of a passive breath alcohol sensor device (PBASD) in certain circumstances. PBASD screening may be used before, during, or after school activities/events including, but not limited to proms, class trips, drama productions, graduation ceremonies at dances, proms, and other school activities when the Principal or designee has reason to believe the use of alcohol by students may be present.

When it is determined a PBASD will be used, a random number sequence will be selected by the Principal or designee prior to the event to determine which students in line for entrance will be screened. The Principal or designee will be the only individuals to know the numbers selected for testing. The Principal or designee may also determine to screen every student in line for entrance into the activity/event. Upon the purchase of a ticket to gain entry into an activity/event or upon the entry of a student into an activity/event that does not require the purchase of a ticket, a student shall be considered under the supervision of the school district staff and shall be subject to the provisions of this policy.

Trained members of the administrative staff or a designated “breathalyzer certified” person will perform all testing of students.  Testing will be done on a device that is calibrated and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions.  Testing will be conducted in private where possible, and in the presence of at least one adult chaperone.

Students who test positive will be retested, as directed by the manufacturer of the breathalyzer device.  A further positive will result in the student being detained until a parent/guardian can come to escort them home. The student will be subject to the full consequences of District Policy, including suspension, treatment evaluations,  and referral to law enforcement for prosecution.

Refusal to take the test will result in the student being denied admission to the event, and a call to his/her parent/guardian to notify them of the test refusal.

Any student not chosen for random testing who is observed to be under the influence will be subject to the full consequences of District Policy, including suspension, treatment evaluations,  and referral to law enforcement for prosecution.